Its been nearly a month since my last post :/ Opppps I've been busy the past two weeks getting into the swing of the new semester and doing lots of skydiving. I also got to enjoy my first UK snow fall, a massive 2 INCHES. hahaha it was fun and very pretty. It definitely cured some of the winter home sickness I'd been feeling.
In school news: Monday this week I got back one of the two essays and got a merit on it, which is a great score so I'm pleased with that. There was an issue in the mail room so I have to wait a bit longer for my next mark to come back. I've now had two meetings for my new modules and am loving both! Visualizing the Body and Fascism, Spectacle and Display. I'm also looking and researching the real possibility of me staying on for 3 mores years of school to do a Phd. The shocking total of my student loans make it only possible to do the Phd if I get funding, so we'll see what happens.
In Skydiving news: This past weekend I finally made it past those silly DRP's and did my first free fall. It was a really amazing feeling, even though I did some flips and have to do another DRP and some more practice on my exit. Skydiving over a beautiful snow covered country side was amazing. Gary was kind enough to film my very graceful landing...
In other news: Life is going really well, I had a bit of drama with my loans and repayment dates but all that has been sorted. I've been swimming lots and enjoying Nottingham (particularly the shopping in Nottingham).
Also my friend is doing a project to get an internship over the summer that I've been helping her with. Check out the page for Orlando the Awkward Turtle.